Meet Mr Mickey
This post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share a commission.Meet Mr. Mickey! He became part of our family last Sunday and we are so happy to have him. Well, Builder Bob and I are….Sadie not so much.

Meet Mr. Mickey
I can never seem to keep up with all of the things I want to blog about and once again I just realized that I have never shared little Sadie’s story in one post for those of you who are newer to my blog.
I am putting it at the top of my list of “to do” things. Sadie is approximately ten years old and Builder Bob found her in a ditch a little over 2 years ago.
This is the most recent photo of Miss Sadie taken last week right after she was groomed. It was still cold out so we had to put a coat on her before going outside.
I don’t have any photos yet of Mr. Mickey and Miss Sadie next to each other….I think that will take a little time.
Back to Mr. Mickey:
Mickey is an apricot miniature poodle and is eight years old. He weighs about 14 pounds and loves to go for walks. I am very excited about the fact that he likes walks as I really need to start exercising again and little Sadie gets pooped out after 2 or 3 blocks.
Finding Mickey
Two weeks ago my friend Diannia asked me to go with her to look at a used Bernina sewing machine that was listed on Facebook Market place. When we got to the house two adorable little dogs greeted us at the door and one of them was Mickey.
It was love at first sight for me! I think the first thing I said was “If you ever want a new home for him, I’ll take him!”
We found out that Mickey had belonged to the grandparents of Brandy who weren’t able to take care of him anymore and had been living with them since December. While talking I found out that they had originally planned on getting a puppy for their children before taking in Mickey.
Diannia bought the Bernina sewing machine and I told Brandy I would love to have Mickey if they ever decided to make a change. I have been thinking about getting another dog and a senior dog is exactly what works for us.
Last week I was in Maquoketa taking care of my granddaughters and received a call from Diannia that they were willing to part with Mickey if I wanted him and my intention was to keep him for the rest of his life. I thought that was so sweet and that yes, I wanted him!
It was difficult for Brandy’s daughter to part with Mickey so we didn’t pick him up until Sunday March 17th. I just realized that was St. Patrick’s Day!
Mickey is still a little shy and I’m sure uncertain about what is going on. He is very nervous riding in the car, hopefully we can work on this so he is comfortable going on short trips.
I put Mickey up on my cutting table which has a neat backdrop called Boardwalk Planks that I bought from Ink & Elm on it and my Sorbet quilt is hanging on the wall.
Miss Sadie
As can be expected little Miss Sadie is not happy to have another dog in the house. I know if Mickey were a cat then it would be fine. I still wonder where Sadie lived as she seems to love cats.
At first Sadie just ignored Mickey but then she got a little more assertive and is showing him who is boss.
When we went to bed she sat on the edge of the bed and when Mickey came close she growled and barked at him so he didn’t dare climb up the ramp. He ended up sleeping on a blanket next to my side of the bed.
It has now been two days and I can already see a little mellowing in Sadie. In some ways it is good to see her that assertive as when we first found her she just cowered.
Mickey and Quilts
I took Mickey for a short walk and then moments ago Mickey and I went out on the deck so I could take a photo of him on a quilt. I am going to have so much fun! I am sure Mr. Mickey won’t enjoy it as much as I do! Doesn’t he look adorable!
He is on my Rainbow Rail Fence quilt which has a tutorial.
Look at this! I forgot that I had taken a photo of Sadie on this same quilt! This was taken in April 2017 about eight months after Sadie was rescued. She doesn’t care to be brushed so it was easier to go with a puppy cut plus she looks so much younger.
Now I know you might find this hard to believe….somehow I must have hit a filter on my camera which gave me this oil painting look of Mickey.
Welcome Mr. Mickey!
A few posts about Sadie which I need to combine:
Sadie with pumpkins and visiting grandma
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Small world! You mentioned Maquoketa and that is where I grew up.
He’s adorable! Yea! A walker, and 8 is a good age for a little pup. May you have grand adventures together. When Milo was leetle, we put his dog bed in the car so he felt secure riding. He still prefers it, so we keep one side of the back folded down flat, his bed on that, he gets in and lies right down. LeeAnna
Hi Connie! I’ve been remiss about visiting, and I apologize. I had to read all about the new pup in your life! I am 100% certain that Sadie will be very accepting of the company soon enough. Especially once Mickey realizes and accepts that there is a certain order to things in your house, and that order includes Sadie first. HAHA! What nice company for you and I’d love a dog to take for walks. They both look sweet on that quilt, and I can’t believe how different Sadie looks with the shorter cut. She’s really styling. ~smile~ Roseanne
Such a cute young man! Sadie will come around, they always do. Looking forward to your move into the new home. We have moved 15 times in our 32 years of marriage. I love decorating and remodeling our new homes. (My husband was military then Walmart thus all the moves). 😅
First of all HORAY for the pending house sale. Finally it is almost here. Bet you are excited. Also hello to your new addition to your family. I am sure Sadie will be happy to know she has a friend and will really start enjoying him. He is so cute and I love all the quilt photos with him included. I will be looking for a new companion much like your nrew addition so hopefully I’ll get lucky too. Thanks for sharing your good news.
He is adorable, Connie, and such a gorgeous color. They will soon grow to be best buddies. It takes time.
They are just adorable, love them
Welcome, Mr. Mickey. You have been welcomed into a wonderful loving home and I am sure Miss Sadie will soon fall for your cuteness and become a great friend. You would love my Miss Heidi as she is about your size and is a Westipoo.
So happy for all of you,
Thanks Barb! I told my husband if we moved to the country I was getting an Alpaca…….we found a house in town right away! LOL Hope you are doing well!
Mickey is a doll! I’m sure Sadie will eventually accept him and enjoy having his company. It just takes a little time. Every time I’ve introduced a second dog the first dog has always ignored the second and, then one day, I’ll find them snuggled up to each other. It all works out in the end. BTW, I may be adopting a mini poodle myself in the near future. Keep your fingers crossed for me that it works out.
Thanks and I am so hoping you can adopt that precious mama poodle as I know how much you miss Jack.
Mickey is adorable!
Fantastic that your family has expanded – congratulations!
How wonderful that you have a new rescue!! I’m sure that Mr. Mickey and Sadie will become great friends (fingers crossed)! My little rescue likes to be the alpha dog, so getting another dog that she won’t bully has be impossible so far! One of these days!!
What a cutie – he’s so adorable!
Hello Connie, Mickey is adorable and is already a treasured member of your family! It may take Sadie a tad bit of time to accept Mickey, but due to the fact that Sadie is Builder Bob’s and Mickey is yours will help. I always enjoy your posts with pictures and stories about Sadie and now they will include Mickey, so all the better. I am glad that you included the details of how Sadie came to be in your family. The outrageous numbers of abused and abandoned animals in the world is horrendous. Yet, at least some, do find their way into the hearts and homes of people like you and Builder Bob and Kevin and I (Mr. Shakes). So have a fabulous time building a life with your new pet, Mickey and definitely share all the stories you wish with all of your followers. Have a marvelous day!
awwwwww…love the intro and story…enjoyed the pictures. I’m sure we will be seeing more quilt-fur-baby photos 🙂
thanks…….. I love it when I’m off and my 2 cats sit with me in my sewing room. I enjoy their hairy company when I’m off 2 days month from work (I work a compressed scheduled that gives me 2 Fridays off-my SIT AND SEW days ).
It is so wonderful to watch Sadie throughout the years. And now there is a new wonderful pup to watch. Thanks for sharing your two fur babies
Sweet pups. I hope Miss Sadie warms up soon to Mr. Mickey!
It’s so nice that Mickey has a forever home. Good luck and hopefully he and Sadie will become great pals.
I knew Sadlie’s story but loved reading it again. I’ve said it several times…Sadie is one lucky little girl to have been where BB saw her that day. Nice story, too, about Mickey. Another lucky dog!
I’m being nosey but must ask. I saw someone comment that they would miss Sadie when you move. Are you leaving your gorgeous spot by the river?
Oh my goodness – what a sweetie! Congratulations on your wonderful new fur baby. He is adorable and Sadie will adjust – they always do.
Connie, I found myself smiling through this whole post! Mickey is one lucky guy to have a new home with you! He will be loved and cherished for the rest of his days! I sure hope Sadie grows warmer towards him. We have 2 dogs here and they DO NOT like each other at all! Sophie, our little 10 pound Morkie rules the roost over Jax who’s 40 pounds. No signs of love between the two in 2 years. Have fun!
Oh my gosh Kathy…..two years??? Yep, little Sadie has made it clear that she is the alpha. Luckily Mickey seems to be accepting that with no problem. Sadie has snapped at him several times……luckily she has no top teeth!
Oh my gosh Kathy, I hope Sadie and Mickey do better than that! Already we can see a change as Sadie isn’t snapping when he comes by her.
Hi Connie, Thanks for showing your new pooch! He’s adorable and so is the other one. My Gram’s nickname was Sadie so it makes me smile !!!
Thanks Sue, I just know Sadie and Mickey will end up getting along!
Awww!! It is me Brandy’s daughter. I see Mickey LOVES it there. He is adorable on those quilts and Sadie is also so… cute!!! Tell her she is ADORABLE!!! Tell Mickey I love him and he is absoloutley missed here. You should sew clothing for Mickey. I bet he would look so cute!! BTW I am on my mother’s E-mail.
Hi Layla! I hope you enjoyed the post about Mickey, I have a feeling that Sadie and Mickey will get a long fine. Thank you so much Layla for sharing Mickey with us. The first time I get a photo of them together I’ll share it with you.
Oh, how we give those little ones a home forever. Sadie will come round in time,and they will be mates. Love them on the quilts, a lovely setting for their photos.
Thanks Jean, I’m sure she will and I’m looking forward to some fun photos of them!
He is adorable.
Precious pups!
Mickey is precious, a little bundle of furry love.
Both dogs are so cute. Hopefully they will become comfortable with each other as they could be wonderful companions.