Maple Star Quilt Block for Vintage Reimagined

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Working with batiks is one of my favorite things to do and this month the Island Batik ambassadors were challenged to make something based on vintage quilt blocks.

I absolutely love working with traditional quilt designs so I picked this fun Maple Star block for my Vintage Reimagined quilt project.

Maple Star quilt Vintage reimagined made with Island Batik fabrics

There are several different ways to create this block, you could make flying geese blocks or half-square triangles which is the way I made it. Either way makes a beautiful block especially when you use bright and colorful batiks as I did.

Click on this link for the tutorial for the 12-inch and 18-inch Maple Star block.

Maple Star quilt block Vintage reimagined

Maple Star Quilt Block for Vintage Reimagined

I used a collection of Island Batik fabrics called Caribbean Breeze. The stack is 10-inch squares and worked perfectly for my blocks with the addition of the Egg White neutral for the background. I made a beautiful baby quilt.

Island Batik fabrics for Maple Star Vintage quilt

I mentioned in my newsletter that I was spending a week at my daughter’s house babysitting so I hurried up and finished quilting my Maple Star quilt before I left so I could take some photos at her house. I used my vintage 15-91 Singer with Aurifil thread on it.

Maple Star quilt being quilted on vintage singer sewing machine

Unfortunately, there was still a ton of snow on the ground at her house, and trying to take photos of the quilt inside wasn’t easy at all.

Cats on quilts!

Every time I laid the quilt down and got ready to take a picture… of the cats jumped up on it!

Vintage Reimagined quilt project Maple Star quilt with Bandit the cat on it

At least I know the quilt is a hit with the cats!

Vintage Reimagined quilt project Maple Star quilt with Puff the cat on it

You can always find more information about me being an Island Batik ambassador. I just noticed I need to update the list of ambassadors for 2019! You can see the new list and what Island Batik  ambassador goodies I received for 2019 here.

Vintage Reimagine Island Batik Ambassador project


Would you believe we got snow again last night! It wasn’t much but…..I am so done with snow! I’ll take some better photos of the quilt and share how to make the quilt block soon.

I have received emails from some of you worried about the flooding here in Iowa. I took the photo of the river below yesterday and placed a photo of the ice that was on the river one week ago. I have my quilt hanging on the bell pole which is now underwater.

Maple Star quilt Vintage reimagined made with Island Batik fabrics

We will definitely have a flood, we just don’t know how high the water will get yet. What happens up north makes a big difference. In the meantime Builder Bob has sandbags, a pump, and his construction list in case he has to build a wall to keep the water out of our basement/garage and most importantly….my quilt studio!

He has sand lined up so it is just a matter of watching the river and deciding when or if we need to sandbag. There is talk that this might be as bad as the 1993 flood.

If you have an AccuQuilt GO! cutter, I used the 8″ Qube set for the 12-inch block and the 12″ Qube set for the 18-inch block. Using the dies really makes it fast to cut your pieces.

Great deals for you!

Looking for great buys on fabric and things? Check out these links

Maple Star Quilt Vintage reimagined quilt blocks made with Island Batik fabrics

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  1. Praying you will not be flooded and you can design and quilt to your hearts content. I enjoy seeing all the things you make and you inspire me to start working on my scraps when I have some free time.

  2. Judy Stevens says:

    Hi Connie: During the stay-at-home orders here in California your emails with beautiful pictures of your projects have kept me inspired. Like others I have tried to keep going by quilting projects either new ones or those waiting to be finished. Thanks for keeping our spirits up during this pandemic.

  3. Connie, your quilt is stunning! So vibrant and rich. What fun it must be to be an Island Batik Ambassador. Good luck with the rising water! Sounds as though your husband has all his ducks in a row!

  4. Beautiful! Those colors just sing in this quilt!

  5. Hi Connie, I took one look at your cat and had to visit! They are both adorable and yes, you can’t get cats off quilts!
    What a beauty you made! I love it.

  6. Monica Kostak says:

    Take care Connie—I moved to Texas from Iowa with my family in 1983, and been here since. I always enjoy seeing your batik quilts! and enjoyed seeing your fur babies!!! 🙂 Where there is a quilt–there is a cat!!

  7. We have water from up north coming, the Missouri river is going to back up in the Mississippi. Moderate flooding through the end of the month here. Wishing you well from down river.

  8. Connie, I’m glad you addressed the issue of the river. I hope you won’t need your sandbags, but the outlook isn’t looking great.
    I love this quilt and now you have the perfect photo when they do teh “cats on quilts” this year.
    Stay safe, warm, and dry!

  9. Connie Dear I am praying you and Builder Bob do not have to prepare for or experience flooding. This Winter certainly has been extreme. Love your Island Batik fabric baby quilt.

  10. Vicki in MN says:

    Your maple stars are gorgeous! It sure has melted up here a lot we have been told(since we didn’t actually experience it this year!). There was so much snow that there have been a few roofs that caved in we heard. So I hope it melts into our ground and not cause you any more problems down there.

  11. I hope no additional flooding occurs for you. It’s so devastating. Love the quilt and it’s good that it’s cat-approved.

  12. Susan the Farm Quilter says:

    I’s so glad Builder Bob is ready to protect your home and studio!! I hope his skills are not necessary, but it is so nice that he is ready, willing and able to keep the damages to a minimum! Your quilt is beautiful and I know you are enjoying your time with the grands!

  13. Love those blocks and the sashing setting, a perfect way to show them off. Flooding, hope it does not happen and you are safe from too much water. But a handyman right on site is a huge bonus. New home, let that happen very soon.XX

  14. Lori Smanski says:

    Your quilt is lovely. I do hope that builder bob can keep the water from flooding in the house. prayers

  15. Kathleen McCormick says:

    I hope builder Bob is able to mitigate any water damage. It seems to be a terrrible season for flooding this year. Your block is beautiful and the quilt is definitely cat approved. Was your dog with you?

  16. Brenda Ackerman says:

    Hello Connie, So good to hear from you! I have been worried that you were in the flooding and am so glad that at least for now, you are not. I do hope that Builder Bob does not have to use any of his skills and supplies to protect your home. I was talking to an Uncle in Wyoming while they were getting the hurricane force winds and blizzard. They had already received over 16 inches of snow at that time. On facebook we are seeing pictures now of some of the snow drifts that completely covered homes. So, I truly do hope that your water does not continue to rise with all of the snow, from every where else, now melting.

    You chose a beautiful block to make this quilt with. I do not remember ever seeing it before. With the bright lovely batiks you chose, this is a spectacular baby quilt! I am really looking forward to using your tutorial when you get it all written up for us! I also had to giggle at the cats laying on your quilt! They are instant predators of the quilt picture. LOL. I am glad that you shared them, they are both beautiful cats just making your quilt that much more inviting to snuggle with! Have a fantastic day, Connie!

  17. Patricia Evans says:

    I was relieved to see a post from you today as I guess I missed your note in the newsletter about being away at your daughter’s. I thought you were perhaps in the middle of moving, although I didn’t think it was time for that. And I was wondering about the flooding affecting you. Glad to hear Builder Bob is being pro-active. Hope his efforts won’t be needed.

  18. Connie – that’s an amazing rise in water level, OMG! I’d be sandbagging, too. And we’d come to help if we were just a tee bit closer to you. P.S. I love your quilt!

  19. Chris Smith says:

    That Maple Star quilt looks very nice Connie! I also like the looks of the 2nd block layout. It was just added to my to-do list! Enjoy your weekend and thank you for sharing your new ideas!

  20. Love your Maple Star quilt. The colors are just gorgeous. I’m really over the snow mess here too. That last bomb cyclone we went through did me in. It’s time for warmer weather for everyone. LOL!!