Wild Rows Flower Tutorial

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This is a fun quilt project that will make you feel like spring is right around the corner. The Wildflowers tutorial would be great as a pillow, baby quilt, or added as a row in a quilt.

Wild Flower Row by Row design and free pattern by Connie Kresin Campbell
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Where is your happy place?  Everyone who knows me knows that I am always happy when I’m in my quilt room. When I’m outside, I enjoy taking care of my flowers so for this blog hop I chose that as my happy place.

Today I get to share my Wild Flowers row as part of the My Happy Place Row Along put on by Seams To Be Sew. Thank you, Marian, for all of the work you put into your blog hops!

Northcott generously supplied me with the fabrics for my Wild Rows Flowers row. I chose their beautiful Single Colorway collection. In my pattern, I have included each fabric number so you can get the same exact fabrics.

Rolled up quilt

I also used my favorite Aurifil threads and keep reading as my giveaway today is an Aurifil thread collection!

Wild Flowers Row made with fabrics from Northcott

I decided to make my row into a long wall hanging or I may end up using it on one of our tables.

Wild Flowers Row getting the binding sewn on by machine using clips

I always sew my binding on with my vintage 15-91 Singer sewing machine and I used the little wonder clips to keep the folded for this project.

Wild Flowers Row seeing one block of the three

Here is a closeup of one of the blocks. There are actually three blocks in my Wild Rows Flower row. I applied Heat n Bond Lite to the fabrics I used for my applique flowers. The applique is just a simple raw-edge free motion stitching around the pieces.

Wild Flowers quilted tablerunner on deck

I hope you like my Wild Rows Flower quilt project and if you make it I would love to see a picture of it! It would be great to combine in a row quilt with several of the other beautiful rows included in this blog hop.

Wild Flowers applique tutorial

You can download the free pattern in my library.

Wild Flowers row tutorial

Please note that this post contains affiliate links, which means I’ll earn a small commission if you purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. Please see the full disclosure here. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Great deals for you!

Looking for great buys on fabric and things? Check out these links

Free tutorial and pattern for the Wildflowers quilt row
Connie with her dogs

About Connie

Hi, I’m Connie Kresin Campbell, the quilter, writer, and photographer behind Freemotion By the River. I enjoy inspiring others with my quilt tutorials and patterns. You’ll also see my sweet adopted dogs from time to time.

Be sure and subscribe to my newsletter for more free tutorials and printables.

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  1. Beautiful design! It makes me feel happier and lighter!

  2. Vivian NOLEN says:

    What a wonderful pattern. I love to appliqué and quilt so your pattern is perfect plus your kindness shares it with no cost to us who have limited income for beautiful patterns. Thank you so much for sharing this pattern. Can’t wait to finish my present project and start this one from you. Happy spring to you

  3. This is so pretty! And very cheerful! And this made me think of bookmarks! Thanks so much for sharing tutorials, patterns and ideas.

  4. Dawn Nelson says:

    What a sweet table runner!! It is certainly “Spring” worthy. Here on the Central Coast of Oregon we are surely ready for spring to arrive as, I’m sure, are many other places. We’ve grown tired of the rain and it’s time for some sunshine.
    Loved the photo the other day of Rusty laying on his back. He’s definitely feeling like he’s got a forever home.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. This spring table runner is a wonderful way to start the month of April. I have never appliqued or done free motion before.

  6. Your postings always make my day. I would love to see a picture of all your finished projects. You must have a room full.

  7. So subtle! But really nice to have the gradations in the background.
    Another lovely single digit winter day but have lots of fabrics to keep me warm!

    1. Love the flowers – a promise that it will be spring here EVENTUALLY. And your directions are always so well done. Thanks!

  8. Beautiful Connie! I always enjoy your lovely work!

    1. Always makes my day to see what you are working on. Beautiful work.

  9. I love your row Thank you for sharing it.

  10. Sobana Sundar says:

    Love be that row. I can see all these rows making a nice wall hanging.

  11. Susan Green says:

    Love your row! Thank you so much.

  12. Janie Lloyd says:

    Love this block. Only use aurifil thread for piecing. It is worth it.

  13. Cathy L Wilson says:

    A very happy place, indeed! Love everything about your row!

  14. Liz Horgan says:

    Such a happy, bright row!
    Thank you!

  15. Connie, your row is just up my garden alley! Next to my sewing room, my garden is my favorite place to hang out! I’m loving the contrasting threads you chose to stitch down the flower heads….so pretty!

  16. Beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing your Happy Place.

  17. Cherie Moore says:

    I like your flower row a lot and love your finished row….beautiful 🙂

  18. Delia Rotolo says:

    Beautiful Row. My favorite so far.

  19. Chris Smith says:

    Connie, I absolutely love this table runner! My home, family members and a few friends are blessed with table runners you published! Your tutorials are wonderful and so easy to follow, and as I have mentioned before, my favorite website!!

  20. Kathie weatherford says:

    I always love to read your blog. especially the pictures by the river.

  21. Thnak you. I love your row and will probably do.

  22. beautiful flowers, thanks for joining the row a long, and sharing your design. I do love flowers. the garden is definitely a happy place.

  23. This is beautiful! I really like the different flowers and am already thinking about how I can use this row.

    I’m a first time visitor and I notice that you show your vintage 15-91 Singer. My dad recently found me a vintage Singer that I believe is also a 15-91. (He’s in another state and I haven’t seen the machine yet.) Do you have any suggestions for resources for getting the machine in working condition? Or resources for parts? I have not really started my research yet of how to get it in working order and any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.

  24. Your flowers make ME happy! Thank you for sharing them!

  25. It’s funny, I’m not a “flower” person when it comes to the “normal” female things but I LOVE floral fabric and patterns that are for quilting! If you were to sit myself and my husband down and then had us pick something for the home, he would pick something floral and I would pick something plaid … lol BUT, this row you did is beautiful! I love how simple it is, like a row of planted flowers.

  26. Your row is very pretty. The simplicity of the flowers makes it that way. I like the variation of the background, too. Thank you for sharing this pattern with us.

  27. This row is so fun and has so many fun ideas you could use it with, from a springtime theme to a summer picnic for table mats. One could even separate the flowers and put them on a jacket. I just love the simplicity of this row and the great way you’ve used the fabrics to bring it to life. It’s just fun, Connie. Of course, I want to thank you for participating in the row along it’s always a great time to come and visit your blog and see what you’ve been up to.

  28. Nancy House says:

    I love everything you do and your row of wild flowers is no exception! Thanks so much for all you share.

  29. Lu Wilmot says:

    Thank you for the lovely flower row. I look forward to using it.

  30. I would love to take your row and epand it for a bedrunner.

  31. Allison Evrard says:

    I love your row! Wildflowers are just beautiful!

  32. Any place there are flowers is a happy place! Such a sweet row – would make a great summer table runner.

  33. Brenda Hulsey says:

    Such a sweet little banner or table cloth.

  34. Love the flowers! Thanks!!!!

  35. I love your row and I also love Aurifil thread so fingers crossed for the giveaway

  36. Carol Andrews says:

    What a pretty garden block. You have even inspired me to try appliqué work again. Mine has always wound up wonky!

  37. Cathryn Hepburn says:

    Love the flowers! Makes me think of a spring morning when all is cool.

  38. I love all the wild flowers in the spring. Thanks for a cute pattern.

  39. Janine A. says:

    Cute flowers, Connie! I can see cutting some of those leaves with my Accuquilt. Thanks for the pattern.

  40. Love your flowers! The colors are perfect.

  41. Lori Morton says:

    This is Beautiful!! Love the Flowers!! & thank you for sharing the Pattern. I think a wallhanging, or tablerunner is great idea!! (Think I have found a special surprise to make my Daughter!) Thank you too, for chance to win your Give-a-way 🙂

  42. Kathleen McCormick says:

    This is such a sweet row and a perfect table runner if you aren’t doing a quilt! I love those colors in that thread collection – I piece in a lot of different colors but beige and grays are my go tos.

  43. LeeAnn Smith says:

    Such a pretty row of flowers! Thank you for sharing.

  44. Myrtle Wright says:

    What a fun row! Makes me think of Spring. Thank you for sharing.

  45. Sharon Aurora says:

    Who doesn’t love being surrounded by flowers? Thank you for such a sweet row.

  46. Nancy Chappelle says:

    Flowers always make me happy! I love your beautiful row. Thanks for sharing it!

  47. Mary K Furber says:

    Beautiful floral row, thank you so much.

  48. I love your row quilt! You designs are so beautiful.

  49. I love this row, Connie! It is really beautiful and so sweet.

  50. Vivian Oaks says:

    Love Love LOVE your Row for the QAL!! Your flowers aren’t just plain-jane flowers – they’re gorgeous!! I love the little extras you used to really make them different. 🙂 Thanks, too, for all the hard work you put into your row and then giving it away!! Getting to try for some bonus prizes is a big plus, as well…. THANKS!!!`

  51. I am already picking out fabrics to make this one. Love it

  52. Love the row of flowers. Thank you

  53. Your flowers are lovely. I would like a close up of the flowers to see how they were stitched down. Perhaps next time?

  54. Elizabeth says:

    Connie, this is great! I love all flowers shapes and sizes, and the material you received from Northcott especially the material you used for the leaves. Thanks, for sharing. Elizabeth, Silverdale, WA

  55. My garden is a happy place for me too.

  56. Sandy Wootten says:

    This may be a duplicate. But I absolutely love this row and i thank you for sharing it with us

  57. That is so cute. I love all the happy colors.

  58. Bonnie Larson says:

    I love your happy place. Thanks for sharing

  59. Wow! Beautiful row!! Thanks so much for taking the time to create and share! And thanks for the chance at the fabulous giveaway too!

  60. Barb Colvin says:

    Flowers are always a great addition to a row quilt! Thanks, Connie.

  61. Pamela Reim says:

    One of my favorites so far! I definitely will make this in a long columns for my wall.

  62. Sandy Wootten says:

    Love love love your row. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  63. Your row is adorable!! I love the flowers and background you created! And I love that Aurifil thread!

  64. Love this row! Besides quilting, gardening is my favorite thing to do. Thank you for sharing!

  65. Shelley D Buttler says:

    Love this row! Thank you!

  66. This row made me smile. I can picture rows of flowers in the yard with all of the colors shining in the sun. I would really like to make this row.

  67. Thanks for the “Wild Flowers” tutorial. Your row is fantastic.

  68. Laurie Eggleston says:

    I am thrilled to have found you! Thank you!

  69. Thank you for the chance to win the Aurifil thread. I love this thread and use it for most of my piercing and a lot of my quilting.

  70. Oh, this is fabulous! I do really like your flowers. Thank you so much. That’s a happy place for me, too, bringing back times I spent planting flowers with my mother many decades ago. I think I will have to use zinnia colors. =)

  71. PJ Miller says:

    I like your row. Unfortunately I can’t get it to print. Oh well, I’ll improvise! Thanks for the inspiration.

  72. Sue Raymond says:

    It’s a lovely row! Thank you for sharing!

  73. Great row, I love the flowers. The colors are outstanding.

  74. Sally Christiansen says:

    Love your flowers!

  75. Brenda Ackerman says:

    Hello Connie; Your row of applique flowers is delightful! Like you, I also love working in my flower gardens. Having the tall flowers, like Cosmos and Sunflowers, are something I truly enjoy adding to my gardens and seeing your flowers made me think of them. These fabrics you were able to use are so pretty and the way that you arranged them just adds that charm along with your lovely skill at Freemotion stitching. Thank you so much for sharing the row you designed, it will be a fabulous addition! Have a spectacular day!

  76. I love this and the fabric couldn’t be more perfect. In fact I am going to check out this fabric for a new design I am working on.

  77. So pretty! And I am always amazed on how you machine applique with a straight stitch machine.

  78. Love this runner! Thanks for sharing the pattern.

  79. Love your flowers, what a wonderful way to keep spring and summer all year long.

  80. As always you blow us away with your wonderful designs. This row is just too cute and will make a great addition to anyone’s projects!

  81. Such a pretty row! I’m sad to lose my flowers now that winter is coming, and this is a good way to keep flowers year round!

  82. I love your flowers! Flower projects are some of my favorites! Thank you for generously sharing your beautiful patterns.

  83. Your row is beautiful!! I, too, love flowers and am always on the look out for a project that I can bring inside. I will definitely be making one of these!!

  84. Sandy Richardson says:

    I love your wild flower runner, thanks.

  85. Thanks for the great pattern

  86. Carol Nelms says:

    Very pretty thanks for sharing and the great giveaway. I love and use Aurifil!

  87. I can’t wait to make the wild flowers – they are darling!

  88. What a beautiful row! So happy! Thanks!

  89. I love your wildflower row. Thanks for sharing the pattern with us.

  90. What a lovely Row! Thanks so much for the free pattern!

  91. Sandy Allen says:

    Love seeing these bright flowers on a dreary gray morning. So cute!

  92. Gorgeous row! I can envision many other uses for those lovely flowers, both individually and together.

  93. Lisa Marie says:

    Your wild flowers are so lovely! I like the way you stitched them down, I’ll have to try that. Thanks so much for the pattern.

  94. Susan Earnhart says:

    I love flowers. Thank you for the garden.

  95. Oh! I love this row! It just needs a blackbird to be my garden in spring! 🙂

  96. Absolutely stunning. Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful row. This is on my to do pile for sure 😊 😍