Tote with goodies

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I was planning on a post about my green flower block but there was a change in plans so I will share this little tote I made with a recessed zipper.

I can’t remember where I found the tutorial but there is a similar one here.

Tote with goodies

I made this a couple weeks ago and had plans to make a bigger one but I haven’t done that yet. My grand-daughter had a severe asthma attack and was put in the hospital so I filled this little tote with some crafty goodies, including a notebook with little animals to draw and some beads for necklaces.

Tote with goodies

Here she is in the hospital, she was feeling pretty good but the night before she got worse late at night so we’ll see out it goes. Her little sister was a little jealous because she wasn’t staying in the hospital so……

Tote with goodies

she came home with grandma, along with her big brother. Isn’t he getting tall! The sun was setting and hitting the trees on the other side of the river, perfect for pictures.

Tote with goodies

My cuties!

Tote with goodies

Looks who is driving! He taking Driver’s Ed, look at that concentration!! Grandma decided to “cook” pizza for dinner and while we were waiting for it to get done I thought it would be a perfect time to see how his driving is coming along. Buffalo is a teeny, tiny town east of us……okay, not as tiny as our little town since they have a Casey’s and pizza. Anyway there wasn’t much traffic and it was perfect opportunity for practice. We might do some more today!

Tote with goodies

I actually used my phone for 2 of the pictures and even figured out how to email them to myself!!


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  1. Great bag and an awesome idea to fill it with goodies for her. I hope she is much better now.

  2. Farm Quilter says:

    Hope your granddaughter is doing much better now! Asthma is not fun to deal with, especially with young children. You are a great grandmother with the tote full of goodies and taking the other two so they could feel special too! Love your blocks – went and voted for all of them!

  3. Vicki in MN says:

    I hope your GD is doing much better now.

  4. I love your pretty bag and I so need the zipper tutorial. Hope your little grand baby is better soon.

  5. Createology says:

    I love the concentration on his face. You have a very handsome grandson and two adorable granddaughters. Fabulous tote with the recessed zipper. Healing energy for the asthma to vanish.

  6. I hope your little granddaughter is feeling much better! I pray that she will outgrow this someday. Meanwhile, she's lucky to have you to support her and love her. Great therapy bag!

  7. OH gosh Connie, how scary for your granddaughter! That can be so scary for her and everyone else around her. There was a girl I went to high school with and because she had the same first name and her last name started with the same letter as mine, we were always together since back then, they always lined students up alphabetically and in the same rows seated in classes too. Not long after we graduated I learned she had died from an asthma attack so I know how dangerous those can be. I hope your granddaughter is doing much better so she can keep it controlled. It's sad she's so young and has to deal with something so scary.

    You are very brave with the new driver. I couldn't even handle doing that with my own boys. Of course, you look at things differently as a grandparent than as the parent. I've already noticed that with Alexia because I seem to have MUCH more patience with her than I remember having with my 3 boys. But, I was a single mom with 3 boys and with two of them being twins that may explain the patience stress too. haha. Good luck though. I hope he does really well learning to drive. He sure looks like he's concentrating really well even with grandma trying to take pictures and figuring her phone out. LOL

    OH and super cute purse. I've decided it's time for me to really learn zippers and do it the right way. I just ordered a BUNCH of zippers yesterday morning and was very impressed they already arrived today without any extra fast shipping chosen. Of course, the store I bought them from on Etsy is only about 2 hours from our house so they didn't have far to go. I honestly didn't think they'd get here the very next day though. I had her put together a sampling of all sizes and colors for me and gave her a target price. I now have 60 zippers of all sizes and some are very cool with multiple colored teeth and a couple with pretty pulls on them. I guess it's time for me to make things with zippers now eh? I'll have to check out the link you posted too. Thanks for the link even though you said it's not the same one you made.

  8. I love the recess zipper…what cute kids…hope the little one gets better!!!

  9. aww hope she feels better soon. great bag! are you finding that FB is tricky for voting or people are having problems or can't/won't vote because of FB?

  10. ipatchandquilt says:

    I hope you granddaughter is feeling better today!

  11. Offering up prayers for your granddaughter! Your grandson is enjoying the same new learning experience as my son – exciting time for them learning to drive, though a wee bit stressful for at least this mom.

  12. Hope she is feeling better soon. I gave your strings block my vote….it is a favorite.

  13. Sorry about your granddaughter and I hope she will be out of the hospital soon. Growing up, I had terrible asthma attacks and spent part of every fall in the hospital. They didn't have steroids then. All I got were oxygen tents and adrenalin shots. Unfortunately, while the treatments have improved, the incidents seem to be on the rise … I suppose general pollution is at least partly responsible. Anyway, she's lucky to have a grandma to bring her a nice goodie bag for the hospital.

    It looks like I have to have a facebook account to vote for your blocks. I don't – so Boo!!

  14. So sorry your little person is ill that can be so scary. 40 years ago before advances in meds my son spent many weeks in the hospital with asthma and many years of his life taking steroids to control it. He still managed to be a varsity athlete and has grown up to be a healthy man and father. modern medicine has advanced and there are so many more things that can be done these days for kids. Hope your granddaughter is home soon.

  15. Susan at says:

    I'm so sorry to hear about your granddaughter. I hope that she is already feeling miles better and on her way to playing with all those most excellent toys your brought!

    Driving. Phew. Scary – I've only got about five years before mine gets behind the wheel!

  16. Karen - Quilts...etc. says:

    hope the granddaughter is feeling better, asthma is no fun, both of my grandchildren had a time of it when they were younger than 6 but since then rarely bothers them anymore and they are now 11 & 13

  17. Hope your granddaughter is feeling better today. My he has grown and how brave of you to take him driving – I think I gained half a head of grey hair when I went thru that with my 3 kids.