Orange Kissed Table Runners 3 sizes Tutorial

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What can you make from 1 charm pack and 2 yards of fabric… about 2 table runners and a candle mat or a small table topper. Everyone seems to have a few charm packs….don’t you? You could also use mini charm packs or scraps from your stash.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial three on bench on deck

Orange Kissed Table Runners in 3 sizes

15″ x 37″
15″ x 30″
13″ x 15″

I started out with a charm pack of Sunkissed by Sweetwater for Moda.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial fabric Sun Kissed

Then I cut the charm pack in half which gave me 2½”  x 5″ blocks – then cut that in half again to give me 168 squares that were 2½ inches. Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of that. Then I just started piecing them together.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial fabric cut into smaller squares

5 blocks seemed to be plenty for a runner with a border. I was planning on making 2 identical table runners until I put the first one on my table……hmmm longer than the size I like. So I took the other set of blocks apart.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial fabric piecing the tablerunners

Bella agrees that the smaller one works better for us. I had washed the 2 yards of matching fabric which resulted in a little shrinkage so I cut my bindings for the 2 runners before I did anything with the small leftover pieces.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial fabric piecing the table runners and a cat on them

I just had to show you a closer photo of Bella, can you see her little nose? When we she found us as a kitten she was filthy and I kept trying to clean the dirt off her nose.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial fabric piecing the table runners and a cat on them closeup

I did a leaf design for my free motion quilting on the blocks.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial fabric piecing the table runners closeup of quilting

I added a 3-inch border and just did a large stipple quilt on it.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial fabric piecing the table runners closeup of quilting border

This runner is 5 rows of 17 blocks with a 3-inch border. It is a 15-inch x 37-inch table runner after washing. This one will be a gift for someone.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial fabric piecing the table runners 5 rows of 17 squares

This runner is 5 rows of 13 blocks with a 3-inch border. It is 15 inches x 30 inches after washing.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial fabric piecing the table runners 5 rows of 13 squares

Last one up is the leftovers, a little mat that is 5 rows of 4 blocks with a 3-inch border. It is 13 inches x 15 inches,  I ended up with just a little bit of the yardage leftover.

Orange Kissed Tablerunners tutorial fabric piecing the table runners 5 rows of 4 squares

I have decided to call these my Orange Kissed runners. If you are wondering about the “props”, I had to use something to hold them down as it was a little windy………….boy are we going to have to get that deck stained this year!

Orange Kissed Table runners tutorial for 3 different sizes that is easy to make

Orange Sun Kissed Table Runners 3 sizes Tutorial

Table runners in 3 sizes

Connie Signature

Orange Kissed Table runners tutorial for 3 different sizes that is easy to make

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Connie with her dogs

About Connie

Hi, I’m Connie Kresin Campbell, the quilter, writer, and photographer behind Freemotion By the River. I enjoy inspiring others with my quilt tutorials and patterns. You’ll also see my sweet adopted dogs from time to time.

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  1. Jean Stocks says:

    Bella is Bonny! And the table runners are lovely, so cheerful.

  2. Bella is such a cute kitty and that nose is too cute.

    Your runners are wonderful. I just loved that fabric when it came out but never did buy any of it.

  3. I love the spring colors! And Bella is adorable.

  4. Those runners are just gorgeous — and Bella is adorable! What a great picture of her! :o)

  5. So pretty, Connie! And Sunkissed is one of my favorite fabric lines – cheerful and sunny! Whoop whoop!!

  6. 4you-withlove says:

    Wow, you have a great eye for color…this is gorgoues!

  7. Bloggymom says:

    Love the colors!! Great for spring.

  8. That fabric DID go a long way! Simple patterns too make for beautiful quilts don't they?!

  9. It's always so much fun to check out your blog; such beautiful work!

  10. Lovely fabrics, great quilts and terrific photos – great post Connie!

  11. Connie well done they look fantastic.xx

  12. Your runners are really nice. I especially like your FM quilting – thanks for the closeup pic of it. OMGoodness but you are so good at it!
    Darling pic of Bella. I clicked on pic as you suggested… is that a 'birthmark' or something? No wonder you couldn't scrub it off. Poor thing!

  13. Great runners Connie…love the fabrics and your leaf FMQ is fabulous!!!

    BTW, Bella is just adorable!

  14. Love the runners and how you quilted them!

  15. What sunny, cheerful colours — your title is perfect for them! Thanks for the tutorial, Connie!

  16. Love the runners. Love how they went together.

  17. Stephanie D. says:

    So spring-like! Makes me smile.

  18. Heidi Staples says:

    These are beautiful. I love that fabric!

  19. These are so cute! You never cease to amaze me. Go girl!

  20. sarapatch says:

    Very,very nice!!!
    Hi Sara

  21. Diane Wild says:

    Those runners look great. And a great use of a complete charm pack. Bella is so cute. I miss not having a cat. Maybe…?

  22. Josie McRazie says:

    I love the beatiful and yet so quick projects!

  23. Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives says:

    They are so pretty, Connie.

  24. Thank you so much for the tutorial! I have many unused charm packs that I could pick from to make this runner. (I saw your post title link on someone else's sidebar and clicked over–glad I did!)

  25. Good evening! Thanks for the interesting blog! Beautiful lanchmaty turned out. I think they could only applique decorate! Leka.

  26. Beautiful! I love that fabric line and you did such a nice job on them.

  27. Amazing you got three projects from one charm pack and some yardage , lovely !

  28. Love your table runner and candle mats. The fabric is luscious. How do you get do much done so quickly? You are pretty amazing!

    I have several packets of charms that I won. I am making a tote from one set now I have a new idea on how to use the other packet. Thanks for the idea.

  29. These are just wonderful and thank you for showing how to get 'full' use out of a charm pack. I think runners are going to be this year's Christmas gift.