Stained Glass Quilted Heart Flower

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Have your ever made a stained glass quilt? I think they are beautiful and there are several different ways to make them. You can use black bias tape or make one like I did that has a black background that the applique pieces are placed on.

Stained glass quilt

This is another one of my UFOs that I finally finished. I showed it to you a couple of months ago, okay I just looked and it was last August….where does the time go? I shared some applique quilt projects that I needed to finish. All I needed to do was free-motion quilt the border and add the binding.

Once again I talked Mr. Mickey into posing with the quilt so you could see its size.

Mr. Mickey the dog and stained glass quilt

This is a beautiful design and I didn’t create it. I tried to do a search but can’t find anything about it. I probably made it about 8 years ago.

Here is a closeup of the stitching. The batiks were fused down with Heat n Bond Lite onto the black background and then I carefully stitched around each piece. Normally I do this by free-motion stitching but I can tell by the evenness of the stitches that I didn’t do it that way.

Closeup of stained glass applique

Did you ever see my Scattered quilt that looks like a stained glass quilt? It was easy to make by just using black batik between the blocks.

Would you be interested in a tutorial on making a stained glass quilt project? I have a few ideas of applique that would be fun to do this way.

Granny Square

I shared the Granny Square quilt block tutorial the other day and here is the mini quilt I made. I used the backing fabric to self bind it. This is a technique that I never do well at. There are two different ways to do this, one is with mitered corners and then this one where you bind two sides and then do the other two separately.

Granny Square quilt block mini

I prefer adding a binding and machine sewing it as I did on my Mariner’s Compass table topper.

Snow in the Country

We have a building behind the house where Builder Bob has our van stored. He has to walk down there every other week and start it for a bit. Walking through the deep snow was miserable.

When we had the last big snow, he had the neighbor boy use the snow blower to make a path down to it. It was neat to actually see grass again! The other day we saw a deer on the path eating the grass, this winter has to be hard on the animals.

Builder Bob and snow trail

More snow and cold weather yesterday resulted in huge icicles hanging from our gutters. I took these photos before Builder Bob went out and knocked them all down.

icicles hanging on house

I keep going out and shoveling under the bird feeders and putting out seed. Yesterday the birds were coming back before I went in the house.

icicles and birds

Wild Turkey

Did I mention that last week we had a turkey show up at the bird feeders?

This is a male turkey, that was huge! Can you see his beard hanging down? It was at least 10-inches long which means he is probably about 3 years old. He scared all the other birds away!

He eventually headed to the woods. I went out later and found tracks all over the place, I love living in the country!

Tom Turkey eating birdseed

We have more snow coming tomorrow.

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  1. Dear Connie,
    I love seeing what you are working on and you have motivated me to start sewing again. I also love the way you share about yourself, your move, new home, Builder Bob and your animals, pets or wild. It’s like a friend who has come to visit. Thank you for your warmth and openness. It has meant a lot during this last year. As for weather, it has been a mild winter with many days in the 50’s, lots of rain and gray days. However we are expecting a big storm and snow in
    two days. Forecasting winter weather we haven’t seen in years. Again, thank you for all you do and share.

  2. I am completely gobsmacked by the ease of your stained glass quilt. I never ever thought of using appliqué on black fabric. I actually think I could do this…with your tutorial dear. Thanks to Mr. Mickey for the pose and size reference. Your snow is lovely. You and Builder Bob are so good to keep your feeders and grass clear.

  3. Quite a turkey for sure : )
    I really love to learn more of how to do a stained glass quilt. It’s one of the sewing skills I’ve always wanted to learn. We have been getting our fair share of snow here too in upstate NY.I love it if I can just stay home and watch it fall. My husband really misses Texas…

  4. The snow pictures are awesome, especially as I live in the tropics of Australia and never see snow. Hot, hot, hot. Air conditioners to keep cool.
    Would love a tutorial on stained glass as your little window is so sweet.
    Love your newsletters and your beautiful quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Doreen Sherk says:

    I like your stained glass, it just reminded me that I have a stained glass pattern/kit, somewhere, now I will need to hunt for it.
    I like your scattered quilts, a great way to use my batiks,
    I also like your appliqué, especially your raw edge that you did in a couple quilts.
    Thanks for sharing

  6. would love to see a tutorial on the heart stained glass block

  7. Helena Sabala says:

    Hi. This is Helena and I, too, want the stained glass tutorial or pattern. Thanks.

  8. Love the snow pictures but have to hope snow stays your way……down here in South Carolina, with a mention of snow flurries, the grocery stores become crowded with shoppers looking for bread, milk and hamburger!! Looking forward to a tutorial on a stained glass project!

  9. Connie Wolfe says:

    Your place is beautiful in the snow. We have wild turkey, too. The turkeys, deer, birds and other animals are interesting to watch with the best views being through the window while I stay by the fire inside. Yes, I would be interested in a stained glass tutorial. I took a class about 15 years ago when I started quilting and only did the one project. Thanks for the offer.

  10. Yes, please. I’ve always wanted to do one. Your teaching method is one of the best and I’d love to do a small quilt like the the one with Mr Mickey. I remember well Iowa in the winter. Spent one winter there in college. We couldn’t see over the walls of the cleared path, the snow was so deep! Don’t miss it.

  11. Evelyn Mull says:

    Yes I would love a tutorial on stained glass. So unique and striking.

  12. Charlene Cairn says:

    On a smaller scale, stained glass look can also be achieved with a black satin stitch around all the edges.

  13. Yes, I would dearly love to see the tutorial on Stained Glass please….your place over there looks so cold, we are in summer Down Under here at the moment.

  14. What a huge turkey!! Your icicles on the house makes it look like Christmas!! OK, you can send some of that snow south, please! And YES to the tutorial on stained glass quilt, PLEASE!!

  15. Tanya Davis says:

    Would love a tutorial on stained glass, love the one you made it is gorgeous! Always enjoy your blog and have learned a lot from it, thank you 🙂

  16. YES! to tutorial on stained glass quilt. I love stained glass and would just love to do a small or large quilt like the one you showed with Mr.Mickey. So beautiful.

  17. I love that stained glass look. I’ve never made one with either method but may have to add this to my “some day” list.

  18. Yes please, a stained glass tutorial would be wonderful, love your snow and the feeders, I guess the birds know where the goodies are.

  19. Last night we only got a little bit more snow on top of the previous 6 or so inches. Oh but the wind! Chilling my bones!

    If you ever recall where the lovely stained glass heart & flower pattern came from, I’d love to make it! Mr. Mickey sure seems to like modeling!

  20. Joanne Cavaness says:

    We moved to New Mexico several years ago from Northern Illinois by way of Idaho for about 10 years. The older I have gotten, the less I miss these kind of winters. We have four seasons, but they are different, of course! We live up in the foothills at about 6500′ and we have single digit nights, snow and such but this year little snow but very windy. Mild temps in high 50’s and abundant sunshine. Connie, thanks so much for the DYI wall – the house we are leasing is smaller and my sewing room tiny (but at least I have one!!). I will implement this great idea in the hallway outside my sewing room.

  21. Connie, your photography is lovely. I especially like the view through the icicles, past the tree and across the fields, capturing the pinks of the sky. Thanks for sharing the beauty of Iowa.

  22. Chris Smith says:

    Hi Connie, Michigan is getting LOTS of snow since last night as well!
    I LOVE the stained glass square and I would be very interested in learning how to do this your way, tutorial or pattern! I also love the fabrics you chose.
    Stay warm and safe!

  23. I Love your stained glass project! Yes, most definitely I would be interested in a tutorial showing how you made it. Thanks for sharing your creativity & photos of your weather, birds & animals. Thoroughly enjoy reading your newsletters.

  24. jeanette dickson says:

    Enjoy seeing your winter photos, Connie. Somehow they appear very similar to our country Vermont photos! So glad to see you enjoying the new home and all its “perks”. I have not captured Miss Buffington on any quilted items yet, but she stays Under my table when I’m sewing.

  25. Françoise says:

    It is magnificent :O
    This stained glass window really makes you want to learn this technique.

  26. Barbara F says:

    Love your stained glass piece! Yes, I would like to see a tutorial on the technique you used. Really looks cold at your place, but it’s beautiful! Stay warm.

  27. Antoinette Vitrano says:

    YES! I would definitely be interested in a tutorial for stained glass quilting. Thanks for asking. Your quilts are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Stay warm; we’re in the deep freeze for the next week.

    1. Yes would love a tutorial for stained glass quilting. Keep warm .

  28. Wow. It does look cold! That is a big turkey. Wonder if he has friends. Your stained glass piece is really pretty.