Setting up my new quilt studio

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It has been two weeks since we moved into our new home and we are loving it! Of course, we are sore and have a million projects to work on but it is so worth it. I’ve got a few photos of my new quilt studio to share with you.

Summer Picnic Quilt

Here is my Summer Picnic quilt all finished. I actually quilted it before we moved because I knew it would be a bit before I had my long arm set up (still haven’t done that). My granddaughters helped with the move and I had them hold the quilt in our backyard so I could get a photo. Look at all the trees in the background!

Granddaughters holding my quilt
Granddaughters holding my quilt

I am going to really enjoy taking photos of my quilts at our new home.

Summer Picnic quilt on patio
Summer Picnic quilt on the patio


I know all of you are wondering how Rusty is doing with the move. He was a nervous wreck during the move but the moment his red leather couch was in the new living room, he was content. He had accidents the first two nights but now he is settled in.

This is the first time I’ve gotten a good photo of his ears up of course, he had to have his eyes closed!

He is loving it here (so are we)!

Rusty the dog outside with his ears perked up
Rusty with his ears up

Setting up my new quilt studio

I am almost ready to start quilting! In April we found a house that is perfect for us! It was a lot of work packing up everything in my quilt studio and moving it. I had tons of stuff to move.

Moving my old quilt studio

This is my new quilt studio space! The room is huge plus there is a bedroom and two storage rooms.

Empty quilt studio

Here is my new studio almost ready to use! I’m not crazy about the wall color, I’ll see how the lighting works. I may have to paint the walls alabaster as that is my favorite color. You can see the doors to the bedroom and quilt storage room.

Quilt studio with cutting table
Quilt studio with cutting table

The longarm hasn’t been set up yet. Bob will have to put the legs and poles on and hook up the electricity, then we’ll have to get help to lift it off the sawhorses.

Longarm isn't setup yet
Longarm isn’t setup yet

I have my vintage Singer domestic sewing machine in front of a window! We have put bird feeders out on the patio so I’ll be able to look out and see them. My baskets are still empty, I think I’ll use them for projects that I am working on at the moment. I am so anxious to get back to quilting!

Sewing machine in front of window
Sewing machine in front of the window

Quilt and fabric storage

There is another nonconforming bedroom that I am using as a storage room for my quilts, fabric, batting, and other craft things.

This room is a mess! I basically took things out of bags and boxes and just threw them on the shelves. I have no idea when I’ll get this mess cleaned up. Yes, I’ll show more photos in another post on this room. I have two huge bolts of batting to the left of the door and you can’t see them. This is a great storage area!

Storage room for quilts and fabric
Storage room for quilts and fabric

Guest bedroom

Rusty is loving the guest bedroom and has claimed this bed. He loves using a pillow!

Dog sitting on bed
Rusty lying on the bed

Here he is lying on the pillow before we got the beds set up. Now he prefers to be up on the bed.

Rusty lying on pillow
Rusty lying on the pillow before the bed was set up

I will have more photos to share, I know many of you have wondered how the move went – we definitely are getting older…both of us are still trying to recover LOL.

Kitchen floor damage

I mentioned in my last email that the water line to the refrigerator leaked and ruined our kitchen floor. This is a mess we are still dealing with. Fortunately, there was old vinyl flooring underneath the laminate and this saved the ceiling in my quilt studio. We had three days with huge fans in here drying out the floor. The noise was awful.

It is a mess right now but eventually….I’ll have a new beautiful floor in the kitchen, laundry room, dining room, and sitting room. Thank goodness for insurance!

Kitchen floor water damage
Kitchen floor water damage

View from my desk

I had to share this photo I just took of the view from my computer desk. My office faces the front of the house and yesterday I finished working on the flower bed. I’ll share more on it soon!

Writing an email at my desk
Writing an email

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Connie with her dogs

About Connie

Hi, I’m Connie Kresin Campbell, the quilter, writer, and photographer behind Freemotion By the River. I enjoy inspiring others with my quilt tutorials and patterns. You’ll also see my sweet adopted dogs from time to time.

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  1. I have always been in awe of your online photos of your using your vintage Singer 15-91 mounted on your quilt frame. I have two Singer 15-91s but no space for a large quilt frame. Could you share your thoughts and opinion about my using a 15-91 on a 5 foot quilt frame? I am thinking of quilting a quilt in smaller sections and joining the sections together after they are quilted. I don’t have a quilt frame yet but am considering purchasing a 5 foot frame. Many thanks.

  2. Parabéns pelo seu novo lar. Que sejam muito felizes nessa casa maravilhosa. Amo os seus trabalhos. Parabéns.

  3. I really enjoy reading about your adventures and seeing photos of sweet Rusty! You are always so upbeat, no matter the circumstances. Blessings to you and yours!

  4. Hi Connie, so glad the move went well, even with a few issues. Your sewing room looks amazing and I cannot wait to see it when it is all sorted. I hope you are both very happy there and it will be the last move, at least for a while!!! Hugs, Susie xx

  5. Beautiful studio, Connie! I’m so glad Rusty has settled in and staked a claim to “HIS” bed! LOL I’m sure he’ll enjoy being there while you work on quilts! I know you’ll be happy when your water damage is all repaired and you can get on with living! Everything looks great. Looking forward to more pics!

  6. A beautiful quilting studio for you to create all your wonderful quilts. Most of us may not have as much space, but you inspire us with all your fantastic quilts.
    Best of luck in the new home!

  7. Wow Connie! LOVE the new studio and everything else. Well……not the kitchen floor but yea, bonus it has been replaced.

    And also, I am totally jealous of your quilt area with the bedroom. I think that’s all bigger than my entire house. LOL (not quite but yea, close maybe)

  8. This home is beautiful! I love that you share it with us! So nice that you have the summer to get settled & everything in its place! 😃
    You are truly blessed to have a big sewing room! 🥰 Rusty looks content! ♥️😊
    Looking forward to more pictures! 😊💕💕

  9. Fran Connelly says:

    I love love love your new home and especially the quilt room. So jealous. Enjoy your new home. I love Rusty. Cracks me up with him sleeping on a pillow on the bed. So spoiled. You are a great Fur baby mama

  10. Kathleen McCormick says:

    It sounds like you are feeling like you are home and I do hope that feeling grows each day. Your studio is amazing, and you will probably change the color and the lighting but, oh, what a gorgeous space. I am glad Rusty settled in, love him using the pillow and oh, those ears!

  11. Jacqueline says:

    I can’t thank you enough for sending me the photos again and I could actually view them. I’m totally in love with your new home! It’s just my kind of place. My quilting studio is also in the lower level and is much like yours except that it’s not a walkout. I do have windows that let in natural light but they’re up toward the ceiling so I don’t have a view, but I appreciate the natural light. In addition to my huge quilting room, there are 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. I, too, use one of the bedrooms as overflow storage for my quilting supplies and we refer to it as the ‘attic room.’ Our previous home had a nice attic which we don’t have here so this room has become our attic and my quilt storage room. Enjoy this wonderful new home and all that it has to offer – including a bedroom by your quilting studio with a pillow for sweet Rusty.

  12. This might be the best studio yet! I love the open space, natural lighting and incredible storage area. You will be so happy to be all settled once the water leak is repaired, new flooring is down and things are in their rightful places. So glad to see Rusty has adjusted well and is enjoying the “good life.”

  13. Barbara Grant says:

    This house looks perfect for you and I hope it’s your forever home! The quilt studio is to die for! Happy quilting!

  14. What a very lovely sewing studio! It is so wonderful to have such a room with windows and light. Rusty is such a pretty dog and glad he has adjusted to the move. Moving is so hard and yes, harder as we age! Even though two moves ago I said never again, we did! You have made good progress. Your Summer Picnic quilt is beautiful – as are the granddaughters holding it!!

  15. Your new quilt studio is going to be fantastic. So happy for you all. Rusty is just settling right in too. Wonderful news.

  16. I love your new home, what a wonderful quilt studio! Rusty is so cute, looks like he has settled right in.❤️

  17. What a wonderful new large space! It will be such fun to set it up. It will also be theraputic to be able to look out your window and see your garden. We have just put in 2 flower gardens in our yard . nature is sooo good for the soul. The quilt is very pretty as well. Enjoy your new home. :o)

    1. It looks so pretty! You are one lucky lady!

  18. Your new studio looks so bright and pretty. So glad Rusty is settling right in. He looks so relaxed.

  19. Jacqueline says:

    For some unknown reason, I was unable to open and view the photos. I’m so disappointed because I love you emails, photos and stories of family and that includes Rusty. These modern refrigerators are great – until they spring a leak and ruin the floors. It happened to our neighbors a few years ago. Take care of yourselves and I look forward to new adventures with you, Builder Bob, Rusty and all of your new wildlife friends.

  20. Sue LaBonte. says:

    Thanks Connie for sharing all the pictures and story of what is happening. I am drooling over your new quilt studio and the extra space you have for storage. I am also have a longarm and it takes up a lot of space. My space is very small and you could fir 3 of my spaces into your studio. You and Rusty and Bob have found the perfect home. Bless you all, get some rest and enjoy life to the fullest. Love the country with all the birds and critters. Be happy and just enjoy.

  21. So very happy for you! Your new home is beautiful. I love the view looking out your quilty window. I’m so glad Rusty has adjusted to the move. It can be hard on our furry friends. Enjoy your new home!!! It’s fantastic!!

  22. Absolutely fabulous!!!!! Beautiful house, yard, neighborhood!!!!! When we moved to this house, we had the insurance company on speed dial every day. But on the upside, you get a new floors of your color choice, and the rest of the house is so nice!!!!! Love the protected room for the quilts where they won’t get sun. Thanks for sharing this and of course sharing Rusty. What a little cutie.

  23. What a beautiful, spacious home! Thanks for showing us where you are living and working from, and updates on Rusty. I hope the flooring gets replaced quickly.

  24. Connie, I love everything about that basement work space! My dream has always been to have a basement that is graded into a slope so opens into the back. We’re getting older, DH has bad knees, so even if he would consider a move (he won’t), I’m not sure that would be practical at this point. But to have a view, a huge room, storage room, and a bathroom would be a dream come true. Your street view is also lovely, it looks like a beautiful, quiet neighborhood and I wish you many happy years there.

    Rusty looks adorable on that pillow. What a change his life has taken, thank you, thank you for giving him the love and care that all animals deserve.

  25. Kathy Whetstine says:

    My entire sewing room looks like your storage bedroom! And your storage bedroom looks more organized😒 oh well, my husband had them put cabinets in my sewing room and I didn’t know enough to have them built differently. One of these days I’ll get it figured out. I love the house and Rusty looks more and more comfortable. My dog has his pillows on everybody in the house as well. You’ve done a lot, great work!!


  26. Oh my, what a beautiful home! You couldn’t ask for a better quilting space and with a storage room! Your yard is so beautiful with all the trees. Enjoy and rest up.

  27. Shirley D Anderson says:

    Hi Connie!
    Your quilt studio is amazing! What a wonderful space for creating all your beautiful quilts! That extra storage room is the best ever!! My biggest problem would be remembering where I put everything!! Rusty looks very content in his new home. Congratulations! and enjoy your new home!

  28. Louise Morrow says:

    Love your new studio. Congratulations and give Rusty a hug for me.

  29. I love you new studio! I also love the outside. We live next to orchards so birds and animals are abundant. It’s nice. Enjoy!

  30. Enjoy your new home and quilt room Connie. It looks fantastic. Rusty looks so content.
    Many Blessings!

  31. Your quilt studio is fantastic! I know the cutting table is big and there is so much open space around it! I love the big windows and access to the backyard. Sigh … that’s what I want for my next studio. Congratulations on your new home.

  32. Wow! What a beautiful new home. So big! My English home would fit inside your quilting studio!!
    All those trees must attract a lot of wildlife. You are going to have so much fun.
    Let’s hope this is now your forever home.
    Love seeing the photos, do keep them coming.

  33. Linda Schmidt says:

    What a beautiful home, you have so much room. Love your sewing room. Your dog looks so content. I got tired just reading about all the moving you did. You need to go on a weekend vacation to just relax. Thanks for all the photos. Love your quilt!

    1. Pam Burch says:

      Such a beautiful view. Rusty has a great yard. Enjoy your new quilt space, it’s fantastic.

  34. Beautiful views from your new studio.
    Birds and wildlife 🙂 🙂
    So much natural light.
    And a bonus storage room.
    Congratulations on your new home

  35. Kimmylouwho says:

    What a lovely quilt! I love batik fabric too! You and your husband are a tough couple of people to move and pack as much as you have! Best of luck in your “perfect” new home!

  36. Glenda Hyde says:

    So sorry for the water damage . Happy to see Rusty is happy . Everything looks awesome . So happy for you and Bob .

  37. Love the update and the new studio. Glad Rusty is making himself comfortable.

  38. Your new home looks beautiful. I’m envious of your new quilting space. Rusty looks like he’s fitting right in.

  39. Connie, this looks wonderful. I’m delighted for you. I’ve been in my new (much smaller) space for a month now and am nowhere near organized or ready to quilt. I’m thinking at least another month. LOL