Screened garage door for the kitties

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Cats looking out their new screened garage door

How about a DIY project that allows your kitties to enjoy the outside view without getting outside!

Builder Bob is keeping me busy and I haven’t done any quilting but I think you might get a kick out of what we’ve been doing.

DIY Screened Garage Door

Builder Bob making screened garage door for cats

This is one of our garage doors, we never park inside and Builder Bob is putting his kitchen and party room inside…………I’m seeing a big space with a great view to quilt…….I might have to bring a sewing machine down here.

Anyway, we get a great breeze off of the river but with 3 kitties who have now discovered the basement we don’t dare have the garage door open………..unless it is screened.

Builder Bob thought and thought and came up with a way to do it. The screen goes all the way to the bottom. This is one section.

Builder Bob making screened garage door for cats

He used treated 2 by 4’s for the frame and deck boards for the bottom. It is made in 2 sections because screening is only 5 foot wide and this will be removable so 2 sections is easier to move around.

Builder Bob making screened garage door for cats

Here he is stretching the screen and attaching it. My brother’s house is right next door, Builder Bob built it.

Builder Bob making screened garage door for cats

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The screen door will be permanent all summer and won’t open but we have a side door to use.

Builder Bob making screened garage door for cats

My helper looks excited about painting, doesn’t he?? I told my grandson to bring painting clothes and I’ll share some pictures tomorrow of what we’re painting.

Builder Bob making screened garage door for cats

Builder Bob put the deck boards on the bottom so we wouldn’t have to worry about someone throwing a ball or something and wrecking the screen at the bottom. He is so funny….he also built a ledge for the kitties to sit on. Simon was the first one to come down and I think he is going to like this!

He added the top rail as something to keep people from sitting on the ledge…..I told him I would probably be the first one to do it.

Builder Bob making screened garage door for cats

Finished screen door, see Bella and Simon inspecting it, Bo disappeared for the day….too much noise and activity. This is really going to be interesting this summer when the june bugs and mayflies come out. Then the neighbors (family) came over to check it out and have a beer.

Now we will be able to open the door at the top of the steps and enjoy the breeze upstairs. When the wind comes up the stairs it is like a huge fan. This is outside the garage door so we can close the door anytime without moving anything.

Here are the Kitties enjoying their screened garage door.

connie signature

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  1. My kitty, Moses is hinting that he wants one of these now….LOL
    Thanks for helping me with the trial linky party! It seems to be working well, and I appreciate your help!

  2. Duluth garage doors says:

    Bob is actually very very wise because Together with the little bugs we've, screening may be the sole method to take pleasure from summer time; may need to take up this concept for all our garage. And all the concepts He applied very well. I appreciate his work.

    Best Wishes.

    1. What a clever idea. My HOA may not approve it but my mind is working over time. Great job the kitties are going to love it💕

  3. San Thomos says:

    Hi…Your post really got me thinking man….. an intelligent piece, I must say. Garage Doors Marietta

  4. Green Brant says:

    Screened garage door for the kitties is a good idea. Its show your love for kitties. I love it. Your blog is so nice & informative . You can get more services form Toronto Garage Doors for different type of doors installation & repair. Thanks for sharing this information with us……

  5. Absolutely great idea.It looks so peaceful and beautiful.I have read many idea for the same but this idea is very interesting.

  6. Kerita Kantz says:

    I have five cats and I know how difficult it can be to keep them indoors. Installing a removable screened garage door is a brilliant idea. This way, you will be able to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors while relaxing inside the comforts of your home.

  7. Denise :) says:

    I was smart. Early in our marriage I did such a terrible job at painting that Todd forbid me to ever 'help' him again. Okay! Your screened in room looks wonderful and it will be fun to watch when the bugs start arriving!!! 🙂

  8. OH I used to just love the breeze that came off the river when I was growing up. You are soooooo lucky to have such a gorgeous house and on the river where you are. The screen is a great idea too. I'd looked into those garage door screens you can buy years ago when the boys were younger. Any of our parties we had were usually outside as there was more room there than in the house and we thoroughly cleaned our garage and hung up huge tarps to hide all the normal garage stuff and set our banquet tables up out there with all the food. It was wonderful other than the summer bugs. They were just too costly to buy though considering we didn't have that many parties so I never did buy one. The one Builder Bob has made is MUCH nicer though and how awesome it's out of the way so you can raise and lower the garage door without removing that. VERY smart man you have there Connie. Does he do roofs? Can I borrow him? LOL

    (yes, I am a bit behind getting through all my emails)

    I'll be waiting for the stories about the cats and your visitors at night which seems to come out when you live along the river that way. I'm hoping any of those visitors aren't the black and white kitty types though which your cats will talk to through that screen. LOL

  9. Those are some lucky pussy cats. I hope Bo decides to join in the fun when there isn't so much activity.

  10. Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives says:

    Wow! I think Builder Bob should have a t.v. show!!
    This is a marvelous idea.

  11. jusaweecatnap says:

    Brilliant. I wish I had married a Builder Bob. Quite the opposite, as it happens. Nice to see how happy the kitties are.

  12. Sunni @ Love Affair with my Brother says:

    cool! I love that last photo of your kitties. They look like twins posed the same!

  13. Teresa in Music City says:

    What a great idea! My kitty would love that but we use our garage for the cars so not going to happen here at Casa Raleigh I guess. Maybe if I am careful to make sure Gypsy doesn't seen this post, she won't know about it and I won't get in trouble :*)

  14. Your screening project is brilliant, absolutely brilliant! Have fun painting – try to get most of the paint on the walls/trim and not so much on you and your DGS. lol.

  15. Great idea! the kitties seem to like it!

  16. Connie that is excellent , Builder Bob is so clever All the ideas he implemented will be great in the summer, a nice cool spot for a beer and a nice spot to sit and sew while enjoy your river view with the kittens.

  17. I absolutely love this idea and so would my three kitties. My hubby is not that handy. If you're ever in Oregon, come on over so I can borrow Builder Bob and of course we could sew 🙂

  18. Danielle Hudson says:

    Bob just builds and builds doesn't he? That is quite the luxourey item for the kitties;)

  19. That is very cool!!! I love it. You are blessed to have Builder Bob.

    I don't like painting either.

  20. nlcalendar says:

    Like that idea. Bob is right clever! With the bugs we have, screening is the only way to enjoy summer; may have to adopt this idea for our garage. ttyl Marilyn

  21. Erin Marie says:

    I love that he thought of all those little things (the deck boards on the bottom, the ledge for the kitties, and the bar to prevent people from sitting). I tend to make something and then think of ways it could be improved. Or spend a year planning something to make sure I think of everything.

  22. My goodness me! Woman do you (and those cats) know how good you have got it? great job Builder Bob – as usual!

  23. That is simply wonderful! I miss my Builder Paul even more when I want something like this done! How lovely that you can look forward to coming down and sewing, looking out the screen, and the kitties have their very own spot!

  24. Builder Bob is amazing. That is such a great idea and will provide such cooling comfort from the breezes.

  25. Missy Shay says:

    That's a great idea! When we build a home, we are going to build a big screened in back porch for the cats to hang out in. I'm going to pin this to show my husband later as an idea.

  26. Kiera Vanella says:

    Great idea and I can tell the kitties already love it. Builder Bob is one busy guy…and you too of course!!

  27. I love your Builder Bob stories!

  28. That is so neat and will be wonderful climate control for the house this summer. I am jealous that you have nice weather as it is still cold and rainy here with a chance of snow!

  29. That's a great idea to get a summer breeze in the house and a perfect bird/squirrel observation post for the kitties!

  30. How nice to have your very own "Builder Bob" for your projects. It is a great idea and your pets will be safe.

  31. What a great idea!!! Now who is going to enjoy this the most…Builder Bob or the kitties?

  32. I think we all like Builder Bob! It looks like it is going to be great! Love your setting on the river. It looks so peaceful and beautiful.

  33. This is awesome!Love the whole thing!Lucky kitties!