Happy New Year – Looking Ahead

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2020 has been a crazy year for all of us and I think everyone is looking ahead to 2021 being a better year!

For us personally, there have been so many things that have happened but thankfully I am blessed with all that we have.

A New Home

Last year at this time I would never have believed that we would move again and to the country! We sold our river house in August and planned on adding on to the house we bought last year that we remodeled.

The plan was always to add a large quilt studio to it but after the Derecho storm and everyone remodeling, while staying home because of Covid, we couldn’t find anyone to do the addition, and quotes we did get for next year were more than we expected.

We knew if we did the addition we would never get our money back out of the house so moving looked like the best option. Builder Bob found our country home, never thought we would be back in the country but we love it! I’m so glad we got moved before this snow storm!

We moved in December 10th, I was just getting over Covid and then Builder Bob got it. We are so grateful that we were only sick for a short time. This is still plenty to work on but we are taking it slow, one or two things a day.

Snow and our country house

12 Inches of Snow!

This is what 12-inches of snow looks like! It is heavy and almost impossible to walk thru. I went out and shoveled a spot under one of the bird feeders as I knew there was a lot of birdseed on the ground.

Bird feeders in the snow

The snow has a crust on it so the birds have no problem walking on it. The black sunflower seeds have really drawn the cardinals.

12 inches of snow at our house

I don’t think we will be sitting out on the deck any time soon!

Snow on deck

Mr. Mickey doesn’t care for the snow, he literally refused to go outside until I shoveled an area for him. If you look at the right side of the photo you can see where I put a tote outside with cat food inside for the stray cats. I haven’t seen them at all since we got all of this snow.

Mr. Mickey in the snow

Miss Sadie – we will miss you

We lost Miss Sadie this year, we tried to keep her with us as long as we could but when the seizures became too bad, it was time to say goodbye.

She was Builder Bob’s constant companion and the alpha dog. She tolerated Mr. Mickey as long as he didn’t get too close to Builder Bob.

Miss Sadie the dog

New quilt studio and quilt projects

I have my cutting table set up again after being in storage for over a year! I am loving my new quilt studio, Builder Bob installed new lights yesterday and I couldn’t wait to pull out my batik scraps and work on a new quilt project.

I am looking forward to working on all of the projects that are on my “To Do” list. Several people asked about my table, it is 4-foot x 6-foot and was Builder Bob’s woodworking table. He wasn’t using it anymore so he shortened it to a perfect standing height for me. It has wheels so I can move it all over the place.

Teal String Table Runner

I shared the string quilt blocks in my last sharing quilt projects post and then decided to make a table runner. I’m going to add one or two borders to it also.

String blocks table runner

Batik Scrap quilt blocks

I am working on some 10-inch blocks that use 2½-inch squares. I can’t decide which block I like the best. The first block would definitely help me go through my scraps!

Top Posts of 2020

It is no surprise that my top posts are usually quilt tutorials. I always enjoy hearing from people who create something from them or my patterns.

My business has done well in 2020 thanks to so many of you! This also made it possible to buy our country home. Lets take a look at the 10 top posts of 2020

Most Popular Patterns of 2020

Thank you so much for purchasing my quilt patterns! These 3 have been the most popular this year.

Visit my shop

Quilt Planner

I have been working on some quilt planner pages. I think you are going to like them!

Quilt Planner

Free Annual Quilt Planner

Here is a annual quilt planner that you can use to list quilt projects you have made or plan on making.

Click to download the Annual Quilt Planner printable pdf.

Annual quilt planner

Looking Ahead to 2021

2021 will be a better year for all of us! I wish you good health and happiness and plan on having many new quilt projects to share with you!

I can’t wait take pictures of quilts down in our woods! Maybe one of the outside cats will be good at sitting on a quilt since Mr. Mickey isn’t crazy about doing that.

Great deals for you!

Looking for great buys on fabric and things? Check out these links

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  1. Beginning our New Year of 2021 will be wonderful in your new country home and quilt studio. Everything is coming along nicely. Mr. Mickey will adjust but I don’t blame him for not liking the cold snow. Happy quilting Connie Dear.

  2. Lynda Riley says:

    Happy 2021 Connie Bob & Mr Mikey
    I absolutely adore your new property and your sewing studio is taking shape very nicely.
    And WOW that is a seriously awesome snow fall. Looks like a whole lot of fun.
    I’m glad that you and Bob recovered well from the dreaded Covid.
    I still miss little Ellie our beautiful fur baby who we lost in April so I relate well to your loss.
    May the world be blessed with peace in this new year and our lives enriched with love and friendship near and far. And of course many meters of fabric to quilt.

  3. Happy New Year Connie and Builder Bob. Glad you have the snow and not us. It looks beautiful but I don’t like cold I’ll keep my cool days/nites of AZ.

    We had covid in Dec too. Both of us are feeling better now. Nothing got done during that couple of weeks. Hopefully I will be back To Quilting this week. I need to finish my tree table topper for one thing. Enjoy those “do nothing” days. They are wonderful

  4. Happy New Year! I love reading your blog and look forward to new posts and patterns.
    As for the snow, it’s pretty but glad we didn’t get any. All we’ve had is rain and more rain.

  5. Wow, that’s a lot of snow!! You can send it my way instead of the possible tornadoes headed our way tonight! Happy New Year, Connie and Builder Bob, and little Mr. Mickey!

  6. Wow, that’s a lot of snow, It reminds me of my childhood and early adult years, where I lived in Patagonia, we all had to shovel snow, just to be able to open the front door. Not here, now, where I live, only sun.
    The Heart Mug Rug is so cute, perfect for good friends grift, love it, thank U.

  7. Here in suburban Chicago we got just enough snow for the hill so the grand sons came over hooked up the dog and off they went – but they had to put her in the sled as I finally broke her of pulling and now she won’t pull the sled either! Your view is spectacular! So inspiring! Love the workroom. So much room to move and create! Happy Holidays!

  8. Deb Belich says:

    So Sorry for your loss of Miss Sadie, it is always so hard to lose a fur baby. We all wish they could live as long as we do. Please remember all the good times you had with her. I love her coat that she has on in the picture, did you make it?

  9. It has been a crazy year for you. We lost a long time pet in August too, and I still miss him. He was my companion most of the time.

    Your new studio looks like a terrific place to be creative. Lighting in the studio is a sore topic in my house. I want new and better lighting in my “basement bedroom converted to studio” room but my husband insists on just putting more lamps in there. He doesn’t want to mess with the current lighting because he’s afraid it would impact the resale value.

  10. A white Christmas and a close neighbour to do the work to clear a path, what a bonus in your new home. Yes,, Miss Sadie will be so missed, but in your hearts. Time now to get that studio set up and relax a little, let things unfold gradually, and enjoy your new home. Happy New Year to you both and Mr Mickey too.XXXX

  11. Judith Clauss says:

    So happy for your new home and quilting space. Happy New Year!

  12. Glenda B. says:

    The snow is lovely! My Christmas wish every year is for a white Christmas because we very rarely get snow for Christmas where I live on Vancouver Island, but this year we got a dusting a couple of days before Christmas and it stayed cold enough that we still had enough to have a white Christmas.
    I love the new set of quilt planning pages and I am excited for when they will be available! They will be a great incentive for getting projects completed.
    Thank you Connie and Happy New Year to you and yours! 🇨🇦🤗

  13. I am so glad to here that you are Bob are both recovered.

    I guess the good thing about the snow storm is that you get to stay home and nest.

  14. Looking forward to another year with my favorite blogger
    Linda in Texas